Phoenix Industries

Innovations in Asphalt Technologies


Phoenix Industries Participates in Two Major Mid-East Expos

During October and November of this year, U.S. based Phoenix Industries (PI), exhibited at the Green Mid-East Expo in Sharjah, UAE and the International Road Federation world conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. At both of these events, PI displayed their technology related to waste tire recycling equipment and rubberized asphalt blending units. Representing PI were Kelly Sockwell, company Technical Director and Dr. Serji Amirkhanian, Director of Research and Development.

Mr. Sockwell stated, “We are extremely pleased with the attention we received during these events and feel we have some great opportunities in the Gulf Region. The interest in waste tire recycling here is extremely strong on both the commercial and government sides.

We have begun discussions with several companies that see a local need for more tire recycling and recognize this growing opportunity. Over the next couple of months, PI will be following up with these companies with offers of equipment, technology and assistance to help these projects move forward.”


Phoenix Industries - Riyadh

Dr. Serji Amirkhanian (right) visiting with two International Road Federation Expo attendees



Phoenix Industries - Kelly Sockwell - Riyadh


The next exhibit for Phoenix Industries in the Gulf region will be at the EcoWaste Expo, January 20 – 22 in Abu Dhabi.

Phoenix Industries specializes in the design and manufacturing of waste tyre recycling facilities, waste to energy plants and equipment related to the rubberized asphalt paving process.

For more information call: 928-899-6750
